And much, much more... Coming soon .... BoloStar 2.0! Register now! Command-clicking bases or pillboxes allows you to edit their parameters. You can even set the ownership of bases and pillboxes! Command-clicking a boat gives you starting position control, including direction. ToolInfo keeps track of your cursor position and number of bases and pillboxes. Show Ranges allows you to see a pillboxes range instantly. Show Limits allows you to see the recently imposed "outer edge" 20-cell borderline. Full color support, as well as black-and-white capabilities! Four levels of zoom allow for editing in a variety of different scales. User-selectable DrawMode for viewing a map quickly or in detail. --- SHAREWARE CONDITIONS OF USE -- If you choose to use BoloStar™, please send a check for $10 to... (make checks out to Keith Fry) K&D Software 2262 South Thrush Court SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Extensions allow outside developers to create specialized tools for BoloStar! BoloText, BoloTrace, and IsleGen were created courtesy of Slot Machines, Ltd. Contact K&D Software for information on how to create your own specialized extensions! Immense thanks to Stuart Cheshire: You have given the Macintosh community one of the most intense real-time, multiplayer network games ever developed. Thanks for the help: Matt Slot..............Interface Majesty Mike Neil..............Offscreen GWorlds Dave Disser.................HacksBug Frank Seide............Sound Trecker Code (ST Code © 1992 Frank Sedie) ** The Ultimate Bolo Map Editor ** By Dan Rudman and Keith Fry BoloStar™ Version 1.5.0 Copyright 1993 K&D Software